EAT HEALTHIER WITH THESE AWESOME TIPS : Diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables have been well proven scientifically.

While eating healthy can help keep your body strong and prevent sickness but it can also be hard to make big changes to what you eat.

 Why make the big changes outright if you can actually begin with small ones, like introducing a new diet to each meal.

And it’s likely more achievable to start with just one thing, rather than all of them at once.

In this article I will be focusing on (10) small changes that can make our regular diet a little bit healthier.

However don’t forget you don’t need to implement the changes at once, but bits by bits.

Here is how you can eat healthier………………..


  1. Take your time and do things at a slower pace.

How fast you eat can affect how much intake of food you gulp, and how likely you are to get bigger. Several studies have shown that when people eat really quickly, they tend to eat more food and can end up being heavier than people who eat slowly. This might lead to obese. The amount of food you want to eat and how full you feel are both controlled by special chemicals in your body called hormones. These hormones talk to your brain and tell it if you are hungry and need to eat or if you are full and don’t need any more food.

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your tummy is full. So, if you eat your food slowly, your brain will have enough time to realize that you’re not hungry anymore. Scientific research has shown overtime that if you eat your food slowly, you might eat less and it could help you lose weight. Eating your food slowly and chewing it well is important because it helps you control your weight better.

2. Choose whole grain instead of processed flour

You can actually make your food choices better by picking bread made from whole grains instead of bread made from processed grains. Eating whole grains is good for our health and can help protect us from getting sick.  Refined grains, on the other hand, can make us more likely to get sick, they also have a lot of good things that our bodies need.

Fiber is like a superhero that helps our bodies digests food and keeps our tummies healthy, vitamins B are like little helpers that give us energy and help our bodies grow strong. Minerals are like tiny rocks that our bodies need to work properly, like building blocks for our bones and muscles.  Whole grain bread comes in lots of yummy flavors and is even better for us than regular bread. EAT HEALTHIER WITH THESE AWESOME TIPS

3. Make sure to drink plenty water

This cannot be overemphasized, fluid is good for the body, but of all the fluids Water is so paramount. Drinking lots of water is really good for your body and makes you healthy, Drinking water can help you lose weight and keep it off.  Water might also make your body burn more calories, Drinking water before you eat can make you feel less hungry and eat less food at your next meal. The best thing to drink is always water instead of other drinks that has soda.  This will help you have less sugar and calories in your body. Drinking water often can also help you eat healthier and have fewer calories from drinks. Water washes away diseases in the body, and keeps the body hydrated at all times.

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 4.  Try adding a new recipe weekly

Choosing what to eat for dinner can sometimes be really annoying, so a lot of us tend to end up making the same meals over and over again. It’s like we are on autopilot and just keep eating the same set of meals without giving a thoughts about it.  Trying new recipes, whether they are good or not so good for you, can be a fun way to eat different foods and make your meals more interesting. Try making a new healthy recipe every week. This will help you eat different kinds food that are good for your body and give you new yummy recipes to enjoy. You can try to make a healthier version of your favorite recipe by using different ingredients, herbs, and spices to make it tastier and better for you.

5.  Always add vegetables to every meal

A helpful way to make sure you eat your greens is to eat them at the beginning of your meal before anything else. If you eat your vegetables when you are really hungry, you will probably eat all of them. This might mean that you will eat less of the other parts of your meal that might not be as good for you. This should help you eat less and better food, which could help you lose weight. Here is another reason why you should take your greens before each meal, if you eat vegetables before a meal with lots of carbohydrates. Eating greens can help keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. This thing helps to make sugary foods go into your body slower so that your blood doesn’t get too sugary.  It also helps people with diabetes have better control of their blood sugar levels.

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6. Eat your fruits don’t make them into juice

Several researches have been made and they denote that eating fruits is really good for the body. It serves as agent against heart problem, diabetes, cancer and other form of sickness. Fruits have a special thing in them called fiber and plant compounds.  These things help our bodies break down the sugars in fruits slowly, so they don’t make our blood sugar levels go up too quickly.

But fruit juices are different, some fruit juices are not made from real fruit, instead they use flavoured sugar. They don’t have the same stuff in them that whole fruits have, this means that when you drink fruit juice, it can make your blood sugar go up really fast and make you want to drink a lot of it at once.

7.  Use healthy essential oils

Over the past few decades, people have started using a lot of processed oils made from seeds and vegetables. Some examples of oils are made from plants like soybeans, cottonseeds, sunflowers, and canola. These oils only convey a specific fat good for the heart and lack other fats that are essential. Eating too much of one type of fat called omega-6 and not enough of another type called omega-3 could make our bodies get  swollen inside. This could make us more likely to get sick with diseases like heart problems, cancer, weak bones, or problems with our immune system. EAT HEALTHIER WITH THESE AWESOME TIPS

Here are examples of healthy oils you can add to your diets.

  • Coconut oil
  • Granola oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oils etc…

8. Do away with diet foods for a while

Stay away from “diet” foods, the so-called diet foods can be very deceiving. Their fat content is usually greatly reduced and they are often labeled as “fat-free”, “reduced fat”, “reduced fat” or “low-calorie”.  But it has its own repercussions. Sometimes, when fat is taken out of something, like food, it can taste and feel different.

So in order to make up for that, sugar and other things are put in to make it taste good. Some foods that are supposed to be healthy can actually have more sugar and calories than the regular versions. Instead, choose to eat whole foods like fruits and vegetables.

9. Engage in exercise or aerobics

Always make sure you exercise your body and your muscles regularly, so a flexible and healthy system can be attained. Eating healthy food and moving your body synchronize. When you exercise, it can make you feel happy and less worried or sad. You should never experience depression if you invest in good food and exercise. These are the exact feelings that can make you want to eat a lot because of your emotions. But if you exercise, it can also help your body and make you feel better. In other words find a gym, form a bond with people there, find an exercise and healthy eating buddy.

10. Always have a good night sleep

Getting enough sleep is really, really important.

Not getting enough sleep messes up how hungry we feel, so we end up wanting to eat more. When we eat more, we end up taking in more calories and gaining weight. If you don’t get enough sleep, you might end up gaining more weight than those who do.  It can also make it harder for you to focus, do well in sports, and stay healthy.

The issue of not getting enough sleep can make you sick or have problems with your heart. That’s why it’s important to make sure you get enough sleep that is good for your body. It’s even better if you can lie still for a long time without even sleeping deep, taking a long nap.


Eating healthy food is really important for our bodies to be strong and healthy. We can start being healthy by making small changes to the food we eat.

It’s also important to remember other things that help us stay healthy, like moving our bodies and playing. And however finding ways to relax when we feel stressed, and getting enough sleep. EAT HEALTHIER WITH THESE AWESOME TIPS


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